20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_028
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_029
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_030
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_031
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_032
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_033
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_034
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_035
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_001
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_002
20240726_德州LTEXAS短期華語研習團 檢討會議及閉幕典禮(Texas LTEXAS Short-term Chinese Study Group Review Meeting and Closing Ceremony)_003